Andrew Lim Ann Hoe - CEO
This is Andrew Lim the ‘CEO’ of Maxim from beginning of 2014 to Sep/Oct 2015 when they changed names to GCL and toured again (giving hope to all their investors same trick used with Virgin Gold, Euro FX - change name, bring in someone new to fix things up stretching out things until everyone finally just give up)

Maxim Capital Limited UK
Maxim Trader We Care Pte Ltd (UK Company made to look like Singapore by adding Pte as part of the nam)
Maxim Capital limited NZ branch office

Australian Upline
Oscar Leong Chee Loong - was the top of the tree of the Australian upline. (It took me a long time to find out his full name)

Jason Lim Poh Sun

Oscar Leong Chee Loong

Alvin Tan Wei Min

Dato WF Woon

Seeds Money (the poster of the videos)

Note the Australian ‘Optus’ mobile number